Catholic Community and Sacramental Life
Worship, the celebration of the sacraments, and community-oriented catechesis gather individuals together to praise God, to enhance community, and to encourage spiritual growth in each other's lives.
Campus Ministry is committed to providing programming to support interfaith exploration and the creation of bonds of friendship and understanding across the diverse faith and philosophical traditions represented among Seattle University's student body.
Our commitment to interfaith work arises from our Catholic foundation. According the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, "It is our hope and our goal to foster bonds of friendship, mutual understanding, and constructive collaboration among the world’s religions in the genuine service of [human]kind."1
In addition to our interfaith programs, Campus Ministry offers a variety of opportunities for students to engage more fully in their own particular faith traditions.
Want to learn more?
Interested in learning more about faith formation? Contact Fr. Vincent Duong, Campus Minister for Faith Formation
Campus Minister for Faith Formation