Our liturgies are spiritual experiences: The teaching of preachers and the witness of the assembly through heart-felt spontaneous prayers spoken for the life of the community and world.
Masses at the Chapel of St. Ignatius
The Chapel of St. Ignatius at Seattle University currently offers Sunday Mass at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. We also have weekday masses Monday - Friday at 12:30 p.m. The Chapel is open for visiting from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday. It is closed on Saturday, except for special events. On Sunday it is open immediately before and after scheduled Masses.
- All are welcome, regardless of university affiliation.
- Parking on campus is free, but you must register your car through a QR code at the front door of the chapel. Scan the code and enter your license plate number.
- Please continue to follow guidance for mitigating infection: wash your hands frequently and correctly, avoid touching your face, use hand sanitizing stations located throughout the Chapel, cover your mouth with your elbow or a tissue when coughing or sneezing, sanitize hands after using a tissue for nose or mouth, and stay home if you feel sick.
Mass Schedule
Monday-Friday: 12:30PM
Sunday: 11AM and 5PM
Sunday Mass in the Catholic tradition serves as gathering of prayer and song for our university community. We gather to bless and praise God, to pray for the life of the world, and to be transformed as people for and with others. Our Sunday gatherings are meant to send us back into the week ready to engage the many demands of our studies, relationships, and communities. Additional opportunities are available to gather and celebrate in community at 12:30 p.m. weekday Mass for sustenance in the scriptures and in communion.
After the 5 p.m. Mass, plan to stay for our after Mass social or other programming!
*No 5 p.m. Mass or evening Reconciliation during summer and during academic breaks
The Sacrament of Reconciliation (previously known as "Confession") is available on Sundays during the academic year at 4:15 p.m., or after any Mass in the Chapel of St. Ignatius, providing that the presider is available after the liturgy. Approach the priest and ask if he is available to celebrate the sacrament with you. Reconciliation is also available by appointment.
We also offer a Reconciliation Prayer Service each Lent, where we pray communally for forgiveness and the individual Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered.
For more information, please contact Campus Ministry at (206) 296-6075.
We welcome all people to liturgical leadership through liturgical ministry.
If you are interested in serving in any way at our campus liturgies, please complete our sign up form.
Leadership opportunities include:
- Proclaiming scripture and the intercessions (Lectors),
- Welcoming people, passing out worship aids and even sharing information about the Chapel (Greeters and Hospitality Ministers),
- Sharing the bread and wine (Ministers of Communion)
- Serving at table (Altar Servers)
There are also opportunities for behind the scene leadership:
- Reflection and writing on the scriptures for our Sunday worship aids.
- Preparation and cleaning up of our symbolic elements (cups, plates, books, etc.)
- Baking the bread shared for communion
- Assisting in creating the environment ("decorating") the different sacred spaces on campus.
All these opportunities bring the whole assembly into active participation in the liturgical life of the university.
Chapel hours
Sundays: 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. & Mondays-Fridays: 12:30 p.m.
The Chapel is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, closed on Saturdays except for scheduled events, and open immediately before and after our Sunday Masses.